Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Friday, February 27, 2015: A Lazy Day and Tommy Gets Caught

I had noticed that my throat was feeling sore and sure enough, I had a cold.  I spent much of the day in bed or just laying around drinking orange juice or tea by the gallon.  Of course, Tommy wanted to play, but finally gave up and we spend considerable time sleeping next to one another on the sofa. I actually have to put my feet on the cocktail table since half of the sofa “belongs” to Tommy.
I did do some laundry during the day. Tommy and I took another extended nap on the floor in the sun. We tried to have a couple play sessions, but I just wasn’t quite up to it.  I went to bed early and Tommy stayed out in the main room until later when I finally woke up and started turning off all the power.
During the night (I can’t remember if it was Thursday or Friday) I woke up to hear Tommy crying. I couldn’t figure out why the sound was so muffled until I heard her scratching at some boxes.  I knew that she had somehow gotten under the bed and was now trapped.  When I pulled out a box, there she was, laying in the middle.
I thought that once there was an opening that she’d come flying out, but I guess she figured that once I gave her an opening that it would remain like that.  She was so wrong. I tried to get her out, but she wasn’t budging and I knew that if I left under the bed open that she’d revert to retreating there and becoming more timid again.
I had to get her out and with a little coaxing from the broom, she came out.  I found out that she had gotten in through a very small opening between the mattress, the frame and the wall. I used the throw pillows to close off those openings and although she’d tried moving the boxes that line the openings under the bed, she hasn’t managed.
She does have other safe places in every room, so it’s not like if she needs a hiding place she doesn’t have them. After the fire evacuation in the building, I just don’t want her to have a spot where I can’t reach her in an emergency.

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