Sunday, August 24, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014: A New Sound, an Incident, and a Pleasant Surprise

I was awaken around 3:30 by Tommy.  I also heard the air conditioning kick in around the same time. I know how sensitive Tommy is to noises, so I figured that since I hadn’t used the air conditioning much this summer, she wasn’t used to those sounds in the middle of the night.  She jumped up on the bed and I was able to calm her down.
At 6:30 the garbage truck came to retrieve the trash. This means that several metal dumpsters will be grabbed, lifted and overturned. It’s actually pretty noisy and Tommy was sitting by the window complaining. We talked and then she did something that she hadn’t done for a few days; she jumped up next to me in her usual morning fashion. We spent the next few minutes greeting each other not only with conversation but also with Tommy licking my hand and me petting her.  I had missed this ritual and was glad to have it again.
When we got up (There will be naps later!) I could see that Tommy wanted to play. I decided to use the fleece teaser (her favorite shared play object) with her scratching post (her favorite individual activity object) in the bedroom. I wound the fleece around the post and we spent a good 20-30 minutes playing (including a short food break for her).
When Tommy indicated that she was done by leaving the room, I went and made coffee. Tommy amused herself with a paper grocery bag until I finished. Tommy then went “belly up” so I could do her morning rubdown. We finished with a short game of hide and seek. Tommy goes behind an object and peeks around it at me. When I go and find her, she runs away…whatever amuses her is fine by me as long as it doesn’t entail biting or destruction.
When I went to handle the computer work, Tommy came in after a short time to check up on me and have a short petting/rubbing period. She then decided to go to the living room to amuse herself with the paper bag and then to sit quietly and wait for me to finish.  The first few hours of our morning have worked out well today.
The rest of the morning was spent with me doing chores (laundry, cleaning, etc.) and Tommy napping, playing and getting attention from the worker/drone/slave/owner. She did start enjoying a new “toy.” On Friday as I was searching for collar stays, I came across a Hilfiger watch pillow. I don’t know why I kept it, but I gave it to Tommy and she tossed, chewed, and generally mauled it. I also put a treat in the fold where the watch was and catnip in the stuffing. She had great fun finding the treat and the catnip scent has made the object a bit more enticing.
Later in the morning I called my aunt in Madison to see how her therapy was coming along and when she’d be released to go back home. I wondered how Tommy would handle an extended phone call. She usually thinks that I’m talking to her and has trouble understanding why I’m not usually looking at her.
During the call she amused herself with Mr. Rat and the grocery bag, but introduced us to a new sound/vocalization. I called it a yowl because it sounded like a cross between a yelp and a howl. I could have also called it a “help” or a “holp,” but those just don’t sound right. It was loud enough that even my aunt who has some hearing difficulty heard her loud and clear on her end of the phone even though Tommy was about 12 feet from the phone. I’m not sure what the sound means because she didn’t seem to be needing attention as she wasn’t even in sight nor did she seem to be stressed. Maybe it was just a happy sound since she was having so much fun playing.
After a busy morning and early afternoon, Tommy decided that it was nap time and curled up in her soft bed by the living room window.  I got ready to leave which usually gets her attention, but not today. I very gently picked up her bed which caused her to open her eyes. She didn’t fight or try even try to get out, but just enjoyed the ride and wondered, I’m sure, where I was going with this. When I placed the bed by the bedroom window Tommy sat up and “asked” what was going on.  When she figured it out, she jumped on the big bed and waited for her treat. I gave her the treat, said good bye, and left for the baseball game.
When I returned there was the usual meet and greet. Tommy let me watch the news and then we had our usual before bed playtime. Play time did have one small incident. As we were racing around with the fleece teaser, Tommy ran over to me just as I was stepping. Her little paw got stepped on and she yelped and ran under the bed. After a few minutes of healing and calming down, I apologized with a treat and Tommy slowly and warily came back out to play.
Tommy signaled that playtime was over by hopping up on the bed and curling up. It had been quite some time since she started bedtime on the bed. I was so pleased and touched by her actions and I, of course, let her know how happy I was. She responded with a look that seemed to say to me, “Well, of course, I did this to let you know that all is forgiven, I’m happy and could you please turn off the light and go to sleep already!” I complied with a huge smile on my face.

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