Friday, August 22, 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014: Tommy, the Literary Critic

When I woke up in the morning Tommy was by the window gazing out. I knew that she had been on the bed sometime during the night, but again she had chosen to let me wake up by myself.  She seemed pretty unsettled, so I tried to help by having an early morning play session, but she only halfheartedly participated. I finally got ready and went out to run a couple quick errands.
When I returned it was raining and there was some thunder. Tommy was glad to see me and we had a nice conversation accompanying the petting by me and rubbing by her. When I went to the study to work, Tommy found that I had changed some bookends and although one shelf she liked to explore was now closed, the one above it had opened. She explored it for a while and found that there was a little more room to maneuver. “We’re” still not sure whether “we” like the change.
After the rain ended, Tommy lounged in the living room and tried reading. I stopped out and found her sitting on my reading chair “looking through” a book I was reading called How to Get Your Cat to Do What You Want. Yesterday when I was reading it on the bed, Tommy came over, looked at it and bit into the page.  I’m not sure if she likes the book for its literary content or as a snack.
The rest of the day and evening were spent leisurely. We played & petted and Tommy napped.  When it was time for bed, nothing seemed to get Tommy to go into the bedroom.  I left the door open, but she was not budging from the living room. When I picked her up, she settled into my arms, but when we got to the bedroom, she struggled to be released. Usually I can make it to the bed before letting her jump, but this time she got the better of me and jumped to the floor right into her food and water dishes.  As I knelt down to clean up the mess, Tommy helped by eating any stray bits of food that I missed. I went to bed and Tommy did whatever she does when I’m asleep.

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