Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014: The Sleeper Sofa (part 2)

After Tommy’s first experience exploring the inner workings of the sofa sleeper, I knew we weren’t finished. I realized after round one that I hadn’t put the sofa cushions in the space between the head of the bed and the sofa, so I put them in. Of course I put them in wrong which lead to round two. After picking up and putting Tommy on the bed and readjusting the cushions I thought we might be done.
Tommy found a new way to get in but couldn’t get to the back.  By this time it was 3:30 and I really wasn’t in the mood to keep up with Tommy’s exploring. We sat down on the bed, I gave her a treat and told her that if she didn’t want us to end up in the warmer bedroom without the views, toys, etc. she better let me get some sleep.
We surprisingly didn’t have another incident and when I woke up to the TV going on at 6:00 (because I tried to set it without putting on my glasses) there was Tommy at the foot of the bed, awake and looking out the window. That spot was a much better vantage point for her to see more of the lake front.
By the time I was ready to leave, Tommy was ready for her morning nap. She was already in the bedroom, so I made sure that all the necessary items (TV on, window shut, food, water, etc.) were handled. I headed out for UWM and wondered what kind of reception I’d get when I returned.
When I returned Tommy must have still been sleeping because she wasn’t waiting by the bedroom door.  She spent a considerable amount of time showing me some affection (licking, rubbing, purring, etc.). It was good to be home. Tommy also expected some affection and even came up on the sofa where I was sitting. Of course, I overdid it and was finally told to stop with a little nip on the hand.
The rest of the afternoon was spent lounging and enjoying the breeze.  Occasionally I’d head into the study to work. Whenever I was gone too long, I knew that Tommy would come in and let me know that it was time to stop.  Usually she just went back on her chair, but later in the afternoon I thought that maybe she might want to play.
I got out her favorite interactive (as in interacting with me) toy, the fleece teaser and ran into the bedroom. When I got there I realized that Tommy hadn’t followed me.  I went back out into the living room and she decided to play in the living room and study.  After she tired of playing with the fleece, which wasn’t more than 10 minutes, I tried the laser pointer which didn’t even make it five minutes. She kept looking at me like I should know what she wanted. I got out the Cat’s Meow and all was well.
Tommy seemed to think that she could just sit and watch Cat’s Meow rather than actually play with it. Because I didn’t want to be constantly buying batteries, I would turn it off. That action was met with some complaining, so I thought I’d wait until I noticed that she had left the room.  When I turned it off, Tommy would come racing in complaining. I had forgotten how good her hearing is.
After I tried unsuccessfully several time to get her to play, she finally decided to nap on the dining room table.  I didn’t know how long that would last. Her next stop is on the floor by the table. I’m not sure why she chose to move, but after a while I realize that I need to go to bed. I leave Tommy in the living room with the lights on knowing that sooner or later she will wake me and remind me to turn off the lights. This of course means that she will expect a treat for reminding me, and that is the incentive for her to come into the bedroom for the night.

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