Saturday, October 11, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

During the night I woke up when I lowered my arm to the side and it fell on Tommy.  She, of course yelped out and I, of course apologized and comforted her.  She had never slept right against my side, so I didn't notice her. I hope that this mistake didn't scare her into not sleeping up on the bed.
When we woke up for the day, Tommy was under the bed, but quickly exited the room. She was ready for breakfast and went right to the cupboard, sat there, and called out to me. I’ll bet that if she spoke English, I would have heard, “Well, what’s taking you so long? I’m hungry!”
We spent the morning in the usual way. We played, and I worked while Tommy napped. I finally got some laundry done and Tommy supervised.  I was able to work on transcribing my grandfather’s diaries for a blog. Sometimes Tommy would come in to the study and either remind me that she needed some attention or lay in the sun and supervise my work.
During the afternoon I heard some strange sounds coming from the living room. When I got out there I saw that the window washer was working his way down the building and Tommy was warning him that she was here guarding our place.  The closer he got, the louder she got and farther away from the window she moved.
After he finished our windows and moved down. Tommy went up to the window and watched him below still howling and yowling out warnings to him. Once the “threat” was gone, Tommy headed under the bed for her extended afternoon nap.
When Tommy woke up she called out and let me know that she would once again be ready for my attention. Lately when I go to pet her she tends to flop over on her side and stretch out. It looks really funny, but I try to keep a straight face because I know that she’s showing me how much she trusts me.
She then let me know that it was play time. She sat right by the fleece teaser and yelled out. We played for quite a while until she had other more pressing needs. She continued to switch between cleaning herself and wanting my attention. At one point she put her paw on my nose, but since she seemed to be in an aggressive state, I went to the computer until she calmed down. She then jumped on up on the chair next to me and sat down, her way of letting me know that she was calm (or upset).  At first she accepted my petting, but then she tried to bite me. I let her sit and calm down.
I went to finish some work and after a while Tommy came in and showed me that maybe being petted wouldn’t be such a bad thing. We spent the rest of the evening playing, petting, and catching up on television.
When it was time for bed, I turned off the lights and Tommy and I went into the bedroom.  Tommy sat and waited for her snack. While I got into bed, Tommy played with her scratching hanger. She hadn't been playing with it, but maybe she wanted a quick whiff of catnip before bed, or needed a pick-me-up. I went to sleep, but knew that sooner or later Tommy would be up on the bed to get some attention and/or sleep.

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