Friday, October 17, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I woke up and realized that I had slept through the night.  I didn’t know if Tommy had slept on the bed or even whether she had gotten up and played during the night.  I gave Tommy her grass and then got her breakfast ready. Because she was hardly eating any dry food, I mixed what was left of her dry food with her wet food. She ate most of it, and fortunately chewed her food. I was afraid that she would gulp everything down and have a problem with the dry kibbles.
I got ready for class and realized that it was raining, so I didn’t need to leave quite so early since I would be taking the bus. I went to class and returned. I saw that tommy had finished her breakfast including all of the dry food. I now had a plan should she not eat her dry food.
We spent some time together playing and napping when I returned. At one point during Tommy’s napping I went down to the fitness center to put in some miles.  When I returned Tommy reminded me that I’d been gone long enough and I needed to pay some attention to her.
While I watched the evening news on television, I would go into the kitchen during the commercials. Tommy would follow me and remind me that she needed her supper. I put it out so that it could come to room temperature since Tommy doesn’t like cold food. I had tried giving it to her soon after removing it from the refrigerator once and she wouldn’t eat it until the chill was gone from it.
The evening was pretty quiet. My sister called and Tommy was very patient while I talked on the phone. As we finished our conversation, Tommy reminded me that she was still waiting for her supper. She was pretty vocal and could be heard over the phone. Since her food had lost the chill, I fed her and she was eager to eat her salmon dinner.
The rest of the evening went pretty well. Tommy and I played and watched television. When it was time for bed Tommy again started to move away from the bedroom, but after a few quick moves on my part, she gave up and went into the bedroom. I got ready for bed and Tommy waited for her snack. When it was put n the bed, she jumped up and ate it.
I then went to bed and Tommy went under the bed.  I’m still not sure why r how Tommy decides to sleep on the bed, but hopefully she’ll continue feeling comfortable enough to sleep up on the bed, let me clean her teeth and maybe even sit on/near me.  Only time will tell.

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