Friday, October 10, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014: Tommy Gets New Food

Within an hour of going to bed, Tommy decided to move up on the bed near my head. She settled in and we slept for several hours before Tommy woke me up to get some attention. She’s spending more tie up on the bed, so hopefully whatever caused her to move below the bed is becoming less of an issue.
When we got up I handled the morning duties and got ready to go to class. I was planning on doing some shopping after class to get the supplies requested by the veterinarian. I hadn’t planned to forget the car keys, so when I returned home from class, I needed to stop in and pick up the keys.  I’m not sure that Tommy heard me, but she didn’t come up to the door and call out.
When I got back from shopping it was time to see if Tommy would eat canned, wet cat food. I put some in one of her bowls and she devoured it.  I was glad that I hadn’t given her the full amount that she was allowed because she’s not good at pacing herself and she would have gotten sick by eating it all very quickly.
Later I gave her the rest of her dinner. I was concerned that now that half of her caloric intake would be wet food, she wouldn’t eat her dry food, but would expect to be given more wet food.
After eating I needed to get everything ready for the morning because I would be waking up earlier and leaving for the day to be at Outdoor Education all day.  We spent a quiet evening but I made sure that we had an extended play time.
When it was time for bed about 90 minutes earlier than usual, Tommy wasn’t sure what I happening. She jumped up on the bed to watch me set the clock radio. I’d never done that before since she’d arrived, so she watched intently. When I got into bed, she jumped on the bed probably wondering what was happening.
I turned off the lights and Tommy jumped down and went to play. She knew that I was going to sleep, but she wasn’t ready. Fortunately she played quietly enough that I fell asleep knowing that she’d soon be back up on the bed and curled up by my head.

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