Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014: Back to the Pro Plan Canned Food

I woke up a couple times during the night, and each time I did I noticed that Tommy was asleep by my head.  Either she’s really good at anticipating when I’m going to wake up and she quickly gets in place, or she’s staying in that spot for most of the night. I’m glad that even after I had been gone for several hours during the day, she still was sleeping on the bed at night.
When we got up in the morning I put out Tommy’s grass and then took the bag that had the rest of her canned food into the study with me. I hoped that it would warm up enough so that the princess would eat it. The last two days have been a struggle to get her to eat.  It appears that she doesn’t care for the Blue Buffalo Brand. During the night she did eat some of the dry food. It’s rather crunchy and I usually wake up if she “picks the right time” to eat.
After I completed printing the puzzles and checking my email, I went back in and got her food ready.  I put it down for her and you would have thought I had done something really mean to her.  She started yelling/complaining all the time looking at either me or the dish of food.  This was the same food that she had (reluctantly?) eaten yesterday.
After she finished her tirade (which lasted for several minutes), she went into the bedroom and sulked (my words, not hers!) under the bed. I couldn’t imagine having this reaction when she was given food and I knew that it couldn’t continue. It was time to settle on the kind of food I knew that she had liked during this little experiment.
Off I went to Petco to get her the Purina Pro Plan classic meals that she had eaten during the first few days of the “canned food experiment.” Fortunately when I got to the store I learned that the food was on sale and if I bought 15 cans or more there was a 25% discount. I quickly picked up 20 cans and also got her some more hairball control treats.  As I left I checked in with Stephanie to see what her schedule was like since Tommy’s nails needed clipping again. (Tommy & I need to get tot eh point where she trusts me enough and I’m confident enough to clip her nails.)
When I returned with the food, tommy came out and acted like she was ready to eat. I put the food in the dish and gave it to her. She immediately started eating it and finished half of the contents before taking a break. She was definitely in a better mood, so I decided that maybe now would be a good time to try to brush her teeth.
I followed the directions and put a little bit of paste on my finger and offered it to her.  She didn’t lick it off like the directions said that she would.  I put a small bit on the brush and tried to start brushing her teeth. After a short “struggle” Tommy “escaped” and went under the bed. Day one of the brushing experience had been a failure, so I’ll try again tomorrow.
It took a while to coax Tommy out from under the bed.  She saw that there was nothing in my hands, but peeked out and looked up to make sure that I didn’t have the brush near. When she finally felt that I was telling the truth and had given up for the day, she came out and joined me in the living room.
Later I figured since she was already upset with me for trying to brush her teeth I might as well vacuum. I got the living room vacuumed while Tommy was under the bed. It took some coaxing to get her out from under there so I could vacuum the bedroom. Once I finished all the rooms, it again took a while for Tommy to venture out.
When it was time for dinner, I put her dish with the food, that I’d taken out of the refrigerator a while before so it would come up to room temperature, on the floor. She was ready to eat and so I left her in peace while I worked.
When she was finished she joined me up on the desk.  I put my arm on the desk and Tommy curled up against it. We spent quite some time with her purring and me petting her and enjoying the closeness and trust.  When she heard a strange noise, it was time to investigate and she was gone.
Later I ate my dinner which Tommy thought was a second helping for her. Since it was a salad she quickly left me to eat alone. While I cleaned up and did dishes, Tommy took a nap.  Later she let me know that she was hungry and I brought her dry food to her. She ate a little of it, but it was clear that this was not the kind of food that she wanted.
Once she was back eating her preferred canned food, she no longer felt a need to try to bite me. All hostility was gone and she was back to being the affectionate cat that I’d been used to seeing.  We’re still working on meshing our schedules, but I’m sure that sooner or later we’ll get the play times, nap times, and bed times in synch.
We were able to play and enjoy the evening. When it was time for bed, Tommy decided that she wasn’t quite ready. I had to corral her, semi-blocking her movements until she finally gave up and ran into the bedroom. Once there everything was fine, so we settled in and I went to sleep.

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