Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014: The Secret of the Lap Nap

Tommy and I got up early (as in before 7:00) and finished our usual routine. As I was sitting on the chair doing the puzzles, Tommy came and sat next to me and again started kneading my lap in preparation for a lap nap, but again today it ended after just a minute.
The science teacher in me thought that I should see what makes her change her mind.  I put on the gym shorts that I wore last time she decided to nap. Sure enough, she came up, kneaded my lap and proceeded to sit and take a nap in my lap. I still wasn’t sure if the gym shorts were the key ingredient needed to get Tommy to sit on my lap and take a nap.
I left the gym shorts in a bundle on the living room floor. She checked out the shorts, but took her next nap on the living room floor not on the shorts. I’ll have to try other materials to find out what the correct combination is. Maybe she’s just fickle and it depends on a number of factors.
I’m leaving for lunch with a friend, but before going I put the gym shorts on the bed to see if she’ll nap on them on the bed.
When I returned I couldn’t tell if Tommy had napped on the shorts. Tommy also wasn’t as vocal upon my return. She just wanted her treat and some attention which of course she received. She’s been brushing against my legs and feet with the side of her head a lot. She also tends to rub her head (specifically around her mouth) on the corners of the tables and the corner of any object (notebook, book, clipboard, etc.). I’m not sure if there’s an issue there or she just prefers rubbing her face against objects.
She spent most of the afternoon lounging in the sunny corners of the house. Once evening was upon us, she moved to the living room floor. Whenever she was awake and moving I tried to engage her, but she didn’t spend much time being active. Hopefully we’ll get in some play time before bed so she’s not up all night.
We played for quite a while tonight. At times we played together and at times Tommy just wanted to run around or chase one of her toy balls. Tommy and I also played “Tommy runs when I move.” Whenever I would get up Tommy go “flying around the living room as if I was in hot pursuit.
After the news we headed for the bedroom and for some strange reason Tommy headed under the bed.  I don’t know if we were continuing the hide/run game or if she was just upset that the evening had ended.  After a short time, she decided it was bedtime and came up top for the night.

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