Thursday morning began like most
days; my first wake-up call by my personal furry alarm occurs around 5:00 A.M.
After I greet Tommy with a groggy “Good Morning,” it’s quickly followed by “It’s
still dark out so go back to sleep.” So
far, she’s followed that advice and usually gives me a second wake-up call
around 7:00. Today I wasn't awakened until 7:45 and it was with a little
face-on-face (or nose-to-nose) moment. Tommy got her little rubdown and we proceeded
with the morning tasks (food, water, bathroom, litter box, printing the daily
puzzles, etc.).
The morning went well and I left
around 9:30 to meet a friend for coffee. Tommy stayed on the bed when I said
good-bye and didn't rush for the bedroom door as I closed it. She may finally
understand that I leave but always return later. I went for coffee and while I
was out thought it best to also do some grocery shopping.
When I returned there was the usual
vocal reminders that I’d left her and the treat reminder. After I finished with
my “I’m back, Tommy” tasks I went into the bathroom to see that another major
chunk of the toilet paper roll had been shredded. I knew that her ambivalence
to the TP had probably been temporary, but I had enjoyed the period of time
when I didn't have to worry about it. Fortunately the toilet and tub are in a
separate room from the vanity/litter box. I just need to remember to close that
door before I leave and all should be fine.
There was a lot of noise outside
the building today. The balcony inspection/repair crew had moved to the next
(and last) set of balconies on this side of the building. Below the dog run was
getting redone with new drainage, soil and sod. The small cat skid loader kept
backing up so that annoying warning alarm kept going off.

When she (and I) woke up we had a
play session for about 15 minutes. She
still loves chasing after the ribbons and the light from the flashlight. I’m still trying to get her to engage the
balls, but she’s still not interested in them.
We also had an unexpected moment of play when we were in the study. She was
sitting under the keyboard (the musical type) and was “talking to me.” When I
bent over my glasses refracted (?) the light from the desk lamp onto the wall
near her. I inadvertently moved my head and there was Tommy trying to catch the
light on the wall.
As we watched the tragic news on
the television either on the sofa or on the bed together, I realized how
soothing it was to have her with me.
Even now as I’m typing this blog and she’s napping on the pillow next to
me on the desk, I think about how glad I am that I made the decision to rescue
her because she’s also rescued me.
I know that I usually finish my
blog the next morning, but I think this is a good way to end today’s entry. I’ll
update as needed tomorrow. It’s time for dinner and an evening together.
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