Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014: A Frustrating Morning

The day didn’t start out well. Sometime during the night my hand and Tommy’s face connected. It wasn’t very hard and of course it was an accident, but Tommy didn’t see it that way. No matter how much I apologized and petted her in a soothing contrite voice, she would have none of it. She just yelled and tried to bite every time my hand came near. We slept the rest of the night, but I think both of us were unsettled by the situation.
In the morning nothing was changed. Tommy was still very upset and didn’t want to have anything to do with me. I decided to stay out of her way and proceeded to do some cleaning. While I worked on our bathroom, she would occasionally check on my progress, but still kept her distance.
During the rest of the morning, she would sometimes approach me and appear to want my attention. I petted her and spoke in a very quiet tone. Everything seemed to be progressing well, when suddenly she’d again try to bite me. This continued throughout the morning. At one point when I was dusting in the bedroom, I thought that she was under the bed, so to check I opened the closet door. Tommy didn’t come running and that was the first time that had happened.
After finishing the cleaning in the bathroom and bedroom, I decided to move to the study to work. Tommy came in and just kept yelling at me. I went over to her near the window and just reclined on the floor. She seemed to calm down and again we went through the petting ritual that again ended in a biting attempt.
After lunch I settled on the bed to watch some television and was joined by Tommy. She had a little “episode” which I think was a little hairball. A friend had mentioned petroleum jelly for hairball issues and I tried to get Tommy to lick some off my finger, but she didn’t want to have anything to do with licking my finger. I took out a couple small treats and coated them in petroleum jelly and Tommy licked and then ate the treats.
It seemed like after that episode we were on better terms. Tommy let me pet her and didn’t try to bite me. We settled in for a nap and I made sure my hands weren’t even close to her.  When we woke up Tommy was ready for her usual chest/neck rub and went back to sleep. Finally it appeared we were back to normal.
While Tommy slept I decided to try to catch up with some computer work. I was able to work for about 15-20 minutes before Tommy woke up and found me. I got my usual scolding, but was happy that the routine was back. She seems to be okay when I type, but doesn’t enjoy my transcribing. I’m not sure if it’s the headphones and microphone that bother her or that fact that I’m talking to nobody (which means “not her and nobody else is around).
I head out for a cookout and movie with friends. When I return, we have a little play time and one-on-one time before heading to bed. The day ended much better than how it started.

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