Tommy doesn’t wake me up for the
first time until around 6:30 and then doesn’t again until after 8:00. Little
did I realize that her unusual behavior would continue. Most of the morning she
just lounged around and really didn’t interact with me or any of her
“amusements.” She did watch me make the bed and for once let me finish and
smooth the covers before jumping up to “unsmooth” them.
She did finally come and sit with
me and sat on my lap for about a minute before changing her mind. Later she made me aware that it was time for
the late morning/early afternoon petting.
Since she seemed to be in a good mood I thought we’d try the harness
again. At first she wouldn’t let me put it over her head, but the second
attempt worked and she moved onto her back so I could finish securing the
side/back clips. I couldn’t believe how well things were going.
When I added the leash Tommy
decided enough was enough and tried to take it off. I tried to calm her down,
but finally thought that is I picked her up she might be okay. She didn’t mind
wearing the harness when I was holding her, but that wasn’t the reason for the
harness. I decided that since she was secured, I might as well try to balcony.
I held her and took her out there
but stayed near the wall. We sat down in a chair again the back wall, but I
could tell that she was very uncomfortable and would probably bolt if given the
opportunity. Rather than take that chance, I took her back into the condo and
unfastened the harness. We had tried, but for now I could tell that Tommy was
content being a 100% indoor cat.
I went back out on the balcony and
closed the screen door. Tommy came near the door and just sat and talked to me.
I felt like a prisoner who had a visitor. I opened the screen a little with
enough room for Tommy to venture out by me if she chose. She looked like she
wanted to come out but wasn’t sure of herself, so I went back in, picked her
up, and brought her out to sit in the chair with me.
While I could tell that she was
curious, neither of us was really comfortable having her out there without a
security system. I bought her back in and I think we both felt better. She
still enjoys sitting by the screen door and doesn’t care if I venture out, but
for now I think I’ll just enjoy the
balcony but remain close to the entry until (if that ever happens) she
feels comfortable wearing the harness and
enjoying the space with me.

Every so often while Tommy was
napping she would awaken right before I went by her, give a quick meow, and
roll onto her back. This was her signal to me that it was time for another
neck/chest/chin rubbing.

We had some playtime after watching
Big Brother and Tommy and I spent about 15 minutes with the fabric candy on the
yarn. We both enjoyed the time. Later
when Tommy wanted some petting I was careful to watch for biting behaviors and
none of that happened. We’re learning
that the transition between play time and petting time sometimes can cause some
With my little girl taking a much
needed break, I was able to complete another month of Grandpa’s diary
transcriptions. During the transcribing, Tommy decided to join me and at one
point snuck behind the aluminum foil and near all the wires. She thought I didn’t
see her, but when I said “Tommy, get out of there,” she came flying out from
under the desk. After putting the foil
fence back in place I couldn’t find Tommy right away, so I called her name. She
called back to me and I found her sitting in a small box next to the desk. I
guess she figured that she should head to the penalty box!
After finishing the transcribing,
we watched the news and headed for bed. It had been a long day.
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